Professional Therapy

Your marriage is your most precious asset. If it is not working well for you or your partner, it is important for you to do something about this and improve your current situation.

Most troubled marriages are plagued by behaviors and attitudes that can only be recognized by a trained relationship professional. Marriage problems are not usually what they appear to be, rather they’re caused by underlying issues that must be identified and fixed. 

I have many years experience working with couples seeking to improve their relationships. Many of my clients have been to numerous other therapists who have not provided the relief that was sought. Working together, we have been able to change the relationship dynamics so significantly that divorces have been prevented and for some couples that want, they have decided to build their family and so they go onto to give birth to children.

Don’t suffer in a bad marriage or even think about divorce. Contact me, let’s discuss your situation and get started with a plan to make your marriage healthy, happy and long-lasting.

Contact me using the form on this page. I look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Rabbi Kass

Chag Sameach!

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for helping us develop a health marriage. We are so happy and our 2 young children are well adjusted happy children. Hashem should bless you, and your wife and children with shalom bait, health and happiness.


Let me help you build the best life for yourself. Learn how to choose happiness, calm anger, reduce stress, overcome depression, become assertive, strengthen self-esteem, eliminate anxiety or overcome bad habits.

Getting help is normal and natural. Everyone has used doctors, accountants, lawyers and other specialists to assist. In the same way, getting psychological help when needed is advantageous and responsible.

Your birthright is to be happy. And if you are troubled and happiness is not how you feel most of the time, then contact me and let’s discuss your situation and how I can be of assistance to you.

I use a variety of tools to help individuals just like you solve their personal and relationship problems. I am skilled using cognitive therapy, hypnosis, strategic therapy, structural therapy, narrative therapy, solution focused therapy and self-esteem building through Torah.

Call me or fill out the form on this page and send me a message. If you decide to make an appointment you can come to my office, we can talk on the phone or use Skype to connect.


Dear Rabbi Kass,

There are no words to thank you for being so understanding in this difficult situation. May Hashem give you and your wife a lot of nachas. You and your family should always know of happy times. We will keep in touch!

Thanks again
Alway’s in debt.



My fee is $180. for a 50-minutes appointment.**

Typically, payments for appointments are be made in advance or after the appointment in accordance with the initial agreement. The only exception is if there has been a prior agreement between Abe Kass and the client.

Insurance coverage for local clients

For those having local appointments, many extended health care policies will cover all or part of the payments.

I am is a registered social worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and registered marriage and family therapist with the Ontario Association for Marriage and Family Therapists. Check if these specialties are covered by your insurance policy — every policy is different.

If you are covered by a private health insurance plan, at the end of each session you pay me and I will give you an insurance receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Office, Phone, and Zoom appointments***

Office, Phone, and Skype appointments are available. Call me or send me an email and we can discuss what would work best for you. I work with individuals and couples worldwide.

For Phone, and Skype appointments, there are two types of appointments available: (1) Scheduled and (2) Unscheduled.

When an exact time is “scheduled” for a Phone or Skype call appointment, you will be asked to pay $180.00, for a 50-minutes session.

“Unscheduled” appointments are when you call at your convenience and I am able to speak with you or you leave a message and I call you back when I am free. The charge is as follows:

1. Charges are by-the-minute (end seconds rounded to a full minute) and are determined by the rate for a 50-minutes “scheduled” appointment. For example, at the rate of $180. for 50-minutes that would be $3.60 per minute.

2. Minimum “charge” for a counseling phone call is ten-minutes. Thereafter the charge is for each additional minutes.

3. The charge for counseling phone calls during regular office hours, which are Sunday 10-2, Monday through Thursday 9-7, Friday 9-2 EST, are at the same rate as an office appointment. Telephone messages left in my voice mailbox or emails for me to listen to or read are as an unscheduled appointment. There is no charge when the call is to schedule or change an appointment.

4. Counseling calls initiated outside regular office hours (see #3 above), are subject to the following conditions:

A. Charge for counseling calls will be increased by ½ time when, upon request, or out of necessity, the call is outside of regular office hours. The charge includes, if necessary, travel time to a private and suitable place to receive or return the phone call.

B. When the office is officially closed during what would normally be regular office hours, such as for a personal or civil holiday, the conditions in item A also apply.

C. Calls increased by ½ time means, for example, that a ten-minute counseling phone call will be charged as if was a fifteen-minute call.

Payment methods (may vary depending upon your location)

  • Visa 
  • MasterCard 
  • American Express 
  • PayPal
  • Interac e-Transfer
  • Check (when the appointment is in my office)
  • Cash (when the appointment is in my office)

Privacy and Office Policy

Privacy and confidentiality

Records, documents, and conversations between clients and Abe Kass are private and confidential. Information will never be released to another person or agency without explicit written consent. Exceptions to this commitment are only when the release of confidential information is required to ensure a client’s or someone else’s immediate safety or if there is an unavoidable court subpoena.

When two or more people attend counseling sessions together, I (Abe Kass) will use appropriate judgment, should the occasion arise to enter into private discussions with one person of the client group about another person in the client group. If requested, I will occasionally agree not to pass on to another member of the client group specific information. However, I will not keep secrets that are harmful to another member in the client group or private appointments secret that other member(s) of the client group do not know about.

More information about confidentiality in relationship to the “Health Information Protection Act 2004” see below “Confidentiality and the Collection of Personal Health Information in accordance HPHA.”

Canceling or changing a time for a scheduled office appointment

If you need to cancel or change the time of an appointment, please let me know 24 hours in advance. You can leave a message in my voice mailbox. Otherwise, I may ask you to pay for your missed appointment.

If something unexpected comes up, and you are unable to notify me 24 hours in advance, I will certainly understand and there will be no charge.

Confidentiality and the Collection of Personal Health Information in accordance HPHA:

We collect personal health information about you directly from you or from the person acting on your behalf. The personal health information that we collect may include, for example, your name, date of birth, address, health history, records of your visits to [the Hospital] and the care that you received during those visits. Occasionally, we collect personal health information about you from other sources if we have obtained your consent to do so or if the law permits.

Uses and Disclosures of Personal Health Information

We use and disclose your personal health information to:

  • Treat and care for you
  • Get payment for your treatment and care (your private insurer, EAP plan, or others)
  • Plan, administer and manage our internal operations
  • Conduct risk management activities
  • Conduct quality improvement activities
  • Teach, research, compile statistics, fund raise to improve our health care services and programs
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law

Your Choices

You may access and correct your personal health records, or withdraw your consent for some of the above uses and disclosures by contacting us (subject to legal exceptions).

Important Information We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal.

We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance.

We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protect your privacy and only use your personal health information for the purposes you have consented to.

* This policy will be periodically updated. April 21, 2022 is the most recent update. 

** Fee is USD$180. Canadian residents the fee is CAD$180.

*** Companies regularly change the technology that may affect privacy or security of their products. Anecdotal research suggest there are, at this time, more secure video conferencing platforms than Skype. If you would preferable to use another video conferencing platform other than Skype, let me know and we can discuss the various options.